Department: Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos

Faculty: Farmacia

Area: Nutrition and Food Science

Research group: Valoración nutricional de individuos y colectivos. Metodología y aplicaciones


Doctor by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with the thesis Comparación de la utilidad de dos dietas hipocalóricas equilibradas con inclusión versus exclusión de pan en el tratamiento de pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad 2010. Supervised by Dr. Carmen Gómez Candela.

She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina UBA (1996) and completed a Postgraduate Program in Nutrition (1996-1999). While living in Spain, she earned a Master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM, Spain (2001). Thereafter, she obtained her PhD in Medicine at UAM in 2010. In 2004 she joined the Fundación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario La Paz (FIHULP) staff, taking part of the Research Group in Nutrition and Functional Food, IDipaz. In March 2012, she joined IMDEA Food as Senior Nutritionist. In March 2021, she joined Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM as Lecturer in Nutrition and a member of the research group VALORNUT. She has authored nutrition education books and has co-authored 27 books. Moreover, she has published more than 60 papers in scientific journals and has presented more than 100 communications in national and international conferences. She was Professor at Universidad International Isabel I de Castilla 2019-2021 and took part in teaching activities in different Universities 2004-2020 (UCM, UAM, UGR, Harokopio University, etc.).