Publicaciones (29) Publicaciones de MARTA CURRÁN FÁBREGAS


  1. Open Door Events: Positioning schools in urban post-compulsory education markets

    European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 22, Núm. 6, pp. 798-813


  1. Ability as legitimation of tracking: Teachers' representations of students in vocational and academic tracks

    British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 48, Núm. 6, pp. 1049-1064

  2. Between consensus and conflict: Schools and parents negotiating the educational trajectories of students at risk of early school leaving

    RES. Revista Española de Sociología, Vol. 31, Núm. 3

  3. Choosing against gender: Making sense of girls' and boys' upper secondary vocational education choices

    Educational Transitions and Social Justice: Understanding Upper Secondary School Choices in Urban Contexts (Policy Press), pp. 147-166

  4. Choosing against gender: making sense of girls’ and boys’ upper secondary vocational education choices

    Educational transitions and social justice: Understanding Upper Secondary School Choices in Urban Contexts (Bristol University Press), pp. 147-166

  5. Reconstructing learner identity in upper secondary vocational education: From disaffection to recognition

    Educational Transitions and Social Justice: Understanding Upper Secondary School Choices in Urban Contexts (Policy Press), pp. 167-184

  6. Reconstructing learner identity in upper secondary vocational education: from disaffection to recognition

    Educational transitions and social justice: Understanding Upper Secondary School Choices in Urban Contexts (Bristol University Press), pp. 167-184

  7. The International Baccalaureate in Madrid: A silent expansion of internationalization

    Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol. 30


  1. Framing youth educational choices at the end of compulsory schooling: The Catalan case

    Educational Choices, Aspirations and Transitions in Europe: Systemic, Institutional and Subjective Challenges (Taylor and Francis), pp. 95-109

  2. The politics of educational success: a realist evaluation of early school leaving policies in Catalonia (Spain)

    Critical Studies in Education, Vol. 59, Núm. 3, pp. 364-381


  1. Imaginant el futur: Una anàlisi dels patrons de gènere i classe en la configuració de les aspiracions educatives dels joves

    VII Congrés Català de Sociologia i V Congrés Català de Joves Sociòlegs / Sociòlogues: llibre de resums de les sessions dels Grups de Treball

  2. Institutional habitus in context: implementation, development and impacts in two compulsory secondary schools in Barcelona

    British Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol. 38, Núm. 8, pp. 1177-1189


  1. The dissemination and adoption of NPM ideas in catalan education: A cultural political economy approach

    New Public Management and the Reform of Education: European lessons for policy and practice (Taylor and Francis), pp. 111-124


  1. Cataluña: ¿dos lógicas contrapuestas?

    Cuadernos de pedagogía, Núm. 454, pp. 47-50

  2. El efecto de la clase social en las decisiones educativas: un análisis de las oportunidades, creencias y deseos educativos de los jóvenes

    Revista de investigación en educación, Vol. 13, Núm. 1, pp. 7-26

  3. El habitus institucional: una herramienta teórica y metodológica para el estudio de la cultura escolar

    Témpora: Revista de Historia y Sociología de la Educación, Núm. 18, pp. 37-58